Portrait of Diego De Pablo

About mes

My name is Diego De Pablo. I'm a health engineering student (a field that encompasses aspects of biomedical and systems engineering) with a focus on bioinformatics.🌱, I was born in Venezuela on May 6th, 2002.

Learn more about health engineering
Project overview image


My greatest strength lies in my insatiable curiosity to learn, innovate, and explore applications across diverse fields. A relentless focus on continuous learning and finding innovative solutions through lateral thinking enables me to tackle challenges with a unique perspective. Additionally, my ability to quickly adapt to new work environments and social groups fosters seamless integration and effective collaboration within multidisciplinary teams.

Icons representing various technologies


My career has cultivated a robust technical foundation, encompassing a wide range of technologies. From low-level languages ​​like MIPS assembly to high-level languages ​​such as Python, C#, and Java, I have honed my programming skills. Additionally, I possess in-depth expertise in operating systems (Linux), databases (SQL, NoSQL), and markup languages ​​(HTML, XML). This comprehensive skill set has been instrumental in developing predictive models, advancing cybersecurity solutions, among others projects.

You can see some of my repositories on github

My Life

Every programmer will have several interesting projects to show, but I consider the skills obtained through group work and adaptability to new technologies to be of greater importance; the most important thing is learn how to learn.

SAIMUN event photo

SAIMUN (Model United Nations)

United Nations Model conferences are similar to debate groups, where participants practice negotiation, communication, and teamwork skills.

Learn more about SAIMUN
Volunteer activities moment

Community service in Leo clubs and animal shelter of Málaga

Actions define a person, and volunteering is a significant part of who I am. I have been involved in various organizations, such as the Leo Club, where I participated in aid missions at children's cancer hospitals. More recently, I volunteered for Module C of Malaga's animal shelter

Mira la protectora!
Datathon participation moment


I am usually interested in activities that seek to encourage students in the search for knowledge, an example of this is the implementation of predictive models using the data provided by Dedalus in the 2023 Datathon

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Tutoring session moment

Math tutor

I have provided private and group tutoring in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and programming. These experiences have challenged me in areas such as organization and communication, fostering valuable skills in teamwork and pair programming.